Embroi­dery base fab­ric forms the basis for the cre­ative poet­ry and extrav­a­gance of embroi­dery, from which seduc­tive and lux­u­ri­ous lin­gerie is pro­duced.
Our chal­lenge is to devel­op pleas­ant and com­fort­able qual­i­ties of fab­ric that are not only light and trans­par­ent, but meet the high tech­ni­cal require­ments of the embroi­dery indus­try.
Today, as in the past, our elas­tic and non-elas­tic knit­ted tulle , voile and charmeuse qual­i­ties are used.
At the same time, these qual­i­ties are used non-embroi­dered by our brand cus­tomers in their fin­ished prod­ucts, and com­bined with oth­er tex­tiles.
Thanks to our sig­nif­i­cant know-how in the sports sec­tor, Eschler fab­rics are also used in func­tion­al lin­gerie.


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