Attached to Tradition –
Committed to the Future.
Peter Eschler adapts the supply and services of Christian Eschler Europe AG, to the global needs of the textile chain and its environment. An offer of production and trade was turned into an offer of trade and services in training, coaching, directorships, forming a global network.
The production and distribution of embroidery fabric for the European market was outsourced to Schweninger Textil GmbH in Lustenau (Austria) end of 2015.
In June 2012, two of the strongest and most innovative textile and technology firms in the “elastic woven and knitwear” segment merged: Schoeller Textil AG from Sevelen and the Eschler Group from Bühler.
At the end of 2012, Christian Eschler Europe AG was founded, which took on the marketing and sales of lingerie fabrics and the European representation of Eschler Thaiknit Co. Ltd., under the management of Peter Eschler.
Massive structural changes in the Swiss textile industry and the extremely strong Swiss franc forced the Eschler Group to undertake radical restructuring in November 2011.Both Swiss production plants are closed and relocated to Germany and Thailand.
The joint venture, Eschler Thaiknit Co. Ltd., is founded
Alex, Matthias and Peter Eschler become the third generation to manage the company.
The curtain factory, Lehr AG, in Münchwilen is taken over and the knitting works is relocated from Bühler to there.
The company founder, Christian Eschler senior, dies, and the company is continued by his sons, Kurt and Christian Eschler junior.
The company moves to Bühler in the canton of Appenzell.
A mechanical circular knitting factory is founded by Christian Eschler senior in St. Gallen.
Changes to the Eschler logo over time…